Personal Tax Services

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Voluntary Disclosure Program

Voluntary Disclosure Program Have you ever filed a tax return without fully disclosing your income? Do you own any foreign property that hasn’t been disclosed to the Canada Revenue Agency? The Canada Revenue Agency gives taxpayers a second chance to submit all of their prior assessment submissions without being penalised.…
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New Immigrant Tax Services

New Immigrant Tax Services Are you familiar with our Welcome to Canada Package? Did you recently immigrate? You can be entitled to monthly Ontario Trillium Benefit payments as well as quarterly GST/HST credit payments. You must apply for the Canada Child Benefit if you have dependent children. Additionally, as Canadian…
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Disability Tax Credit Program

Disability Tax Credit Program Have you lately been hurt in an accident? Do any of these apply to you or someone you know? ADD Learning Disabilities Addiction Bi-polar Anxiety Depression Difficulty in Walking Eating Disorders Cancer Diabetes Heart Disease IBS Mental Illness OCD Physical Disabilities PTS Disorder Kidney Dialysis Schizophrenia…
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Tax Planning Services

Tax Planning Services Do you need assistance with your tax planning? Have you ever had tax debt to pay off? Did you file your taxes on your own but weren’t sure if everything was done correctly? Do your investments require tax advice? Don’t stress over the issues.You can get a…
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T1 – Tax Amendments

T1 – Tax Amendments Have you obtained or discovered another receipt for a deduction or an income slip? Because we are all fallible beings, we occasionally lose important slips of paper. If you discover any deduction receipts or income slips after filing your income tax returns, simply bring them to…
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Services For Tax Audits/ Review

Services for Tax Audits/ Review Are you being examined or audited? It might be frightening if CRA sent you a brown envelope. Let the CRA review, and audit be handled by our professionals at AI Tax Consulting. Also, it’s likely that the Canada Revenue Agency will ask you for more…
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Past Year Taxes

Past Year Taxes Do you have unfiled taxes for prior years and receiving letters from CRA? We can assist you in filing all outstanding taxes for prior tax years. You can be subject to a late filing penalty for taxes from prior year. Our team of professionals will examine your…
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Self Employed Taxes

Self Employed Taxes Are you a sole proprietor? If you had to file a tax return statement because you have income from a business. For business owners, our highly qualified team can provide the best tax guidance. It may be very difficult to comprehend business revenue reports and compile your…
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